Canada greets a new year, and (almost) some new citizens, as we pass our tests

Happy new year to all, and a big milestone to share from the snowy shores of Lake Ontario: we’ve passed our citizenship tests! What has become a Star Trek style “five year mission” thanks to pandemic-related delays is now very near its conclusion, and while we’re not across the finish line yet, it feels exciting to be over the final hurdle. Continue reading Canada greets a new year, and (almost) some new citizens, as we pass our tests

COVID-19: Balancing risk versus reward when travelling with unvaccinated kids

We recently pulled off our first trip south of the border since “the before,” and with some cautious optimism, it looks like we got lucky. Not everyone in our extended family has been so fortunate recently. The pandemic has redefined what summer vacation means to both Canadians and Americans, as families in both countries eagerly await more information about vaccine availability for small children. Continue reading COVID-19: Balancing risk versus reward when travelling with unvaccinated kids

What is dual citizenship, and how does it work between Canada and the USA?

Since we’ve started our Canadian citizenship application process recently, some folks have been curious what this will mean, practically, when all is said and done. How much will things change for us once we’ve passed our exams, taken our oaths, and received citizenship status in Canada? The answer may surprise you. Continue reading What is dual citizenship, and how does it work between Canada and the USA?

Two-dose summer, two national identities, and the Delta between them

It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since the last time I wrote about this special week during which our family recognizes two national holidays, but here we are again…and so is COVID-19. Canada Day and Independence Day each take on a variety of meanings this year, many of which revolve around safety, history, and privilege. Continue reading Two-dose summer, two national identities, and the Delta between them

Getting up close and personal with southern Ontario’s housing crisis

The “golden horseshoe” which extends from downtown Toronto around Lake Ontario down to Niagara Falls is not only the most densely populated area in Canada, it’s also the most common destination for new immigrants to the country. In recent years, so many people have moved here (including Canadians from other provinces) that for a variety of reasons our housing market has been unable to keep up. Continue reading Getting up close and personal with southern Ontario’s housing crisis

Feeling twice as grateful as we approach our third “double Thanksgiving” season

Folks with dual Canadian/American identity are preparing for that time of year bookended by each nation’s Thanksgiving holiday. In Canada, the annual celebration of gratitude and gluttony marks the second Monday of October, whereas south of the border, it’s not until the fourth Thursday of November. This year of course, like so many others, our feast will be nuclear family-sized, and our “gatherings” virtual. Continue reading Feeling twice as grateful as we approach our third “double Thanksgiving” season

Independence Day, and a summer that will redefine “twenty-twenty hindsight”

For this family of American ex-pats living in Canada, the end of the school year is always a busy and bombastic time. Canada Day and Independence Day come in close succession, often sharing an extended weekend and marking the beginning of a season of festivals. We’ve had three such kickoffs to our summers now, and while it all blended together a bit before, this year is one of stark contrasts. Continue reading Independence Day, and a summer that will redefine “twenty-twenty hindsight”

COVID-19: Update from Lake Ontario, as Canada’s pandemic response intensifies

Best wishes to everyone as we all face these interesting times together. I hope you and your loved ones are able to stay safe, stay connected, and stay informed…and I will try to occasionally share useful information from here. Good luck, and remember to wash your hands! Continue reading COVID-19: Update from Lake Ontario, as Canada’s pandemic response intensifies

Lugging substantial gear at minimal expense

Good old-fashioned duffel bags! It turns out, there’s a reason that (apart from the materials used) these things haven’t changed in generations. You can stuff almost anything of almost any shape, size, or degree of flexibility into every nook and cranny, and if you’re going to be checking them at the curb or using a luggage cart…who cares whether they roll? Continue reading Lugging substantial gear at minimal expense

Our first New Year’s in an all-new homeland

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to one and all, as this will probably be the last update before the holidays really kick into full swing. Today was the last day of school for our kindergartener before winter break, so starting tomorrow this househusband is probably going to be pretty busy chasing a little toboggan rider around. Continue reading Our first New Year’s in an all-new homeland