COVID-19: Update from Lake Ontario, as Canada’s pandemic response intensifies

Best wishes to everyone as we all face these interesting times together. I hope you and your loved ones are able to stay safe, stay connected, and stay informed…and I will try to occasionally share useful information from here. Good luck, and remember to wash your hands! Continue reading COVID-19: Update from Lake Ontario, as Canada’s pandemic response intensifies

Our first New Year’s in an all-new homeland

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to one and all, as this will probably be the last update before the holidays really kick into full swing. Today was the last day of school for our kindergartener before winter break, so starting tomorrow this househusband is probably going to be pretty busy chasing a little toboggan rider around. Continue reading Our first New Year’s in an all-new homeland

Thirty-six days next to our new favourite lake

The past two months have been quite a whirlwind, and I didn’t intend to take so much time off from this blog but as it turns out when you pack up your computer to move, are a lazy smartphone typist, and have two kids to juggle…this sort of thing happens. On the upside, I now have a ridiculous amount of information to share so this might be the most “interesting” update yet! Continue reading Thirty-six days next to our new favourite lake